Tourism in Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship in years 2021–2023

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Date of publication: 29.07.2024

Publication presents specific character of the Voivodship resulting from its location and landscape, describes tourist infrastructure and presents information about tourist traffic and services.
The publication contains information about tourist accommodation establishments and their activity. It also describes data about entities of the national economy conducting economic activity connected with tourism. Analysis of presented aspects of tourism in Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship was carried out on the basis of data from 2023, while trends of the studied phenomena were presented over the years 2015–2023. In order to present as complete picture of tourism as possible, the most important data in the
Voivodship were presented against the background of the country and other voivodships.
Statistical data used in this publication were obtained in researches conducted by Statistics Poland and the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society.
